How do you code for an abdominal aortogram/lower extremity angiography during a cardiac catheterization?
Code 75625 or 75630 or G0278 according to where the catheter was placed and what was imaged when medical need is documented. Do not code 36200 for non-selective catheter placement as it is included in cardiac catheterization code(s). For 75625, the catheter is placed in the upper abdominal aorta with imaging of the entire abdominal aorta. For 75630, the catheter is placed in the upper abdominal aorta with imaging of the entire abdominal aorta along with the bilateral lower extremities to at least the femoral arteries. Note that G0278 is for Medicare patients. With this code, the catheter is placed non-selectively into the distal abdominal aorta or the ipsilateral extremity with imaging of either bilateral or unilateral extremities.
This question was answered in our annual Cardiology Reimbursement & Compliance Update webcast. For more hot topics relating to cardiology services, please visit our store or call us at 1.800.252.1578, ext. 2.