
Can you please explain the use and application of codes 93303 and 93304 for transthoracic echocardiography, including the imaging techniques involved and typical clinical scenarios where these codes are reported?


Transthoracic echocardiography (93303 and 93304) is a noninvasive technique involving the placement of an ultrasound transducer at various locations on the patient’s chest and upper abdomen. Images obtained by ultrasonic transmission are recorded on videotape or stored in digital format into computer memory. (Source: CPT Assistant, December 1997) These codes include spectral and color flow Doppler, providing information on intracardiac blood flow and hemodynamics in addition to 2D and selected M-mode exams. Typically, these codes are used to report echocardiographic examinations for suspected complex congenital heart disease in infants and young children. In the case of follow-up or limited examinations, they are also used to report a repeat echocardiographic study during or following a surgical or interventional repair procedure (e.g., pulmonary artery banding of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt) to verify or confirm the adequacy of the heart repair or function.

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