If non-selective renal angiography is performed at the time of a diagnostic cardiac catheterization, should level ll HCPCS code 75625 be reported? Is this code for hospitals or physician billing? Is this code for Medicare or non-Medicare patients?
To correctly bill/charge for non-selective renal angiography performed at the time of cardiac catheterization, report CPT® code 75625. It does not matter whether you are billing the professional (i.e., physician) or technical (i.e., hospital) component or a Medicare or non-Medicare patient. Assuming there is a medical necessity to perform the procedure and documentation substantiates the service provided, CPT code 75625 would be used. Be certain to check CCI edits when reporting this code (75625) with other CPT codes describing diagnostic cardiac catheterization when performed on the same date of service. There must be a medical need documented in the history in order to report this code in addition to the cardiac catheterization.
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