General Question for the Week of April 22, 2024
If a patient has rheumatoid arthritis and comes in for a methotrexate injection, do we use the chemotherapy injection code?
If a patient has rheumatoid arthritis and comes in for a methotrexate injection, do we use the chemotherapy injection code?
Can we report medically necessary hydration in addition to blood transfusion?
We use 96360 and 96361 for hydration fluids administered in radiology. These codes often edit against the CT procedure code. What modifier would you recommend when coding for services provided in a hospital radiology dept?
If a patient is receiving an IV infusion for hydration therapy and the stop time is not documented in the medical record, how should the service be coded?
What are some examples of documentation indications for a medically necessary fluid replacement for hydration therapy?
We are trying to find guidance for the coders when we have fluids and/or fluids with electrolytes that have been documented as running for hours and even days. Should all the hours really be reported? What are the helpful hints for coders to decide the billable quantity of 96361 to report? Is there an official reference that can be given?
How do codes 0561T and 0562T delineate the usage of 3D printed models intraoperatively for surgical interventions, and what distinctions exist in reporting these codes compared to procedures involving prosthetic implantation?
What are the specific criteria for determining when to use code 36591 versus 36592 for blood specimen collection, and how does the choice of code differ based on the type and location of the vascular access device?
How are ureteral stent placements coded differently depending on whether a previously existing nephrostomy tract is utilized or a new access is created?
Could I ever use two units of 75710 for the same patient at the same encounter?
What is the purpose of Category III code 0632T?
What is meant by a “port” in central venous access procedures?
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