Laboratory Question for the Week of September 11, 2017
How does CMS determine whether a test is moderate or high complexity, or if it is waived?
How does CMS determine whether a test is moderate or high complexity, or if it is waived?
Is it appropriate to bill for the thawing of fresh frozen plasma (FFP)?
I heard that CMS plans to revise the lab DOS policy. Can you provide the transmittal where this information is published?
What codes would be reported for targeted genomic sequence analysis?
If I am only drawing blood, centrifuging the blood and sending the blood to a CLIA-certified laboratory, do I need a CLIA certificate?
Is there any news about the 2018 CPT lab codes?
In last week’s answer, you said that HCPCS code G0452 (molecular pathology procedure; physician interpretation and report) should be reported for medically reasonable and necessary interpretations of molecular pathology procedures by physicians. Can you provide guidelines for when it is appropriate to report?
Can a physician’s interpretation of a molecular pathology procedure (such as in the CPT® code range 81161–81408) be reported with CPT code 88291 (cytogenetics and molecular cytogenetics, interpretation and report)?
I am wondering if we should be charging for 82962 for hospital inpatients. All the documentation that we have found states it should not be used in a hospital setting.
In the answer to the June 12, 2017, laboratory question, you indicated that G0432, G0433, and G0435 should be used for a screening test for HIV infection. Isn’t code G0475 also used for this test?
What codes should be reported for testing blood platelets?
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