Pharmacy Question for the Week of February 10, 2020
Can you tell me what the new SI and APC is for Q5114?
Can you tell me what the new SI and APC is for Q5114?
What is the ASP rate for nonpass-through drugs in 2020?
What are the criteria for a compendium?
Does Medicare Part B cover self-injection drugs?
Can you tell me more about whole blood coverage?
How many days of notice must be provided by Medicare Administrative Contractors when they decide that drugs will not be covered?
What are some of the transparency requirements for Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) regarding self-administered injectable drugs?
What evidence do MACs use when making the determination when applying the exclusion of drugs that are self-administered by a patient?
When MACs determine whether a drug is self administered in regards to Medicare coverage, how is “acute condition” defined?
What is the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)?
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