Pharmacy Question for the Week of April 5, 2021
When can discarded drugs be paid by Medicare?
When can discarded drugs be paid by Medicare?
We placed a patient in observation and the next day the physician admitted him as an inpatient. Can we code for drug administration services for the time the patient was in observation status?
If an infusion is stopped because the patient is having an adverse
reaction to a drug, can we still charge for the infusion?
Can you tell us if codes 96365 and 96368 are appropriate for the following scenario? The patient is seen in the outpatient clinic for drug infusion. Drug A is administered from 6:00 am to 7:30 am. Drug B is administered through the same intravenous line from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.
How would we bill the concurrent IV administration of one chemotherapy drug and one non-chemotherapy when the drugs are given with separate bags at the same site?
What is the correct way to report two drugs that are administered at the same time through two separate IV lines?
Can you charge an XS modifier with IVP drug administration codes?
We have a patient who received three hours of IV hydration. During that time, the patient received two different drugs by intravenous push. Can the entire three hours of IV hydration be coded with the intravenous push injections?
What is the difference between white bagging and brown bagging regarding patient supplied drugs?
I know that drugs normally billed as chemotherapy administration will be associated primarily with a code found in the J9XXX series, are there any exceptions?
Do you have any tips on revenue code 636?
Are injectable drugs such as intravenously administered drugs normally eligible for inclusion under the “incident to” benefit?
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