Pharmacy Question for the Week of July 27, 2020
Can you still report methodology specific chemistry section CPT codes for drugs of abuse testing?
Can you still report methodology specific chemistry section CPT codes for drugs of abuse testing?
Is a presumptive test required prior to definitive drug testing?
What are the revenue codes for drug testing?
What are the main reasons for performing therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)?
Can we still use 80100 for drug screening?
How many CPT® codes exist for definitive drug testing?
Can I report digoxin with codes from the 963XX series?
How can beneficiaries who are not leaving their home get infusion therapy?
Which drugs fall under the JW modifier policy?
Instead of reporting a second line with the discarded drug amount and price, may a provider/supplier report one line with the amount used and the adjusted price?
Can we use a code from the series 96360-96379 when billing for the administration of a chemotherapy drug?
Can therapeutic intravenous administration of a radiopharmaceutical be reported using chemotherapy infusion codes?
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