Nancy Beckley, MS, MBA, CHC; David Glaser, Esq.;
Ronald Hirsch, MD, FACP, CHCQM;
Paul Spencer, CPC, CPC-H; Edward Roche, JD, PhD; and
Andrew Wachler, Esq.
“We have been slammed with Medicare Advantage DRG audits,” wrote Sandra from Indiana during last week’s Monitor Mondays broadcast. We asked RACmonitor national correspondent J. Paul Spencer with DoctorsManagement to investigate this issue for the next edition of the weekly Internet radio broadcast. Will there be more of these audits? Do these represent low-hanging fruit for auditors? Stay tuned.
The broadcast rundown also will include:
- Monday Rounds: Ronald Hirsch, MD, vice president of R1 Physician Advisory Services, will file another report on the controversial total knee replacement (TKR) issues that continues to confound physicians and patients.
- Hot Topics: Monitor Mondays senior correspondent Nancy Beckley, president and CEO for Nancy Beckley and Associates, will have all the latest hot topics and the Monitor Mondays Listener Survey.
- Healthcare Cyber Report: RACmonitor investigative reporter and New York attorney Edward Roche will return to the broadcast to report shocking examples of cyberattacks on healthcare providers. Roche is the founder and director of scientific intelligence for Barraclough LLC New York.
- Risky Business: Healthcare attorney David Glaser with Fredrikson & Byron will return after a long absence with another example of a potentially troublesome issue that could pose a risk to your facility.
- OMHA Report: Prominent healthcare attorney Andrew Wachler, managing partner at Wachler & Associates, will report on the latest offering from the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals to expand its current Settlement Conference Facilitation (SCF) program.
Register now for this special news broadcast coming up at 10 a.m. EST on Monday, Jan. 22.
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