General Question for the Week of March 24, 2025
Can you charge an XS modifier with IVP drug administration codes?
The last few years have been a tempest of uncertainty and change. But one thing that never changes in Health Information Management services is the need for accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. Whether the services provided are high cost but low volume, or frequent and inexpensive, the cost of errors racks up quickly. Our subject matter experts help you navigate the ever-changing and challenging world of billing and compliance.
Can you charge an XS modifier with IVP drug administration codes?
When performing intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), how should CPT codes 37252 and 37253 be assigned for multiple vessel imaging, and what are the coding guidelines for imaging a bridging lesion that crosses from one vessel to another?
When reporting HCPCS code G0498, which facility is responsible for billing, and what services are included in its reimbursement?
The ED physician ordered NS 1000 ml @ 250 ml/hr and CT abdomen with contrast. Are we able to code 96360 for the IV hydration?
Noncompliant coding and billing of infusion and injection services: You’ve met your match! Tiffani Bouchard explains what makes our set of how-to resources such an effective response.
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