Memorial Day Publishers Letter

American flags honoring the military on Memorial Day

Dear Colleague:

For many of us, Monday, May 27 could slip away as just another Memorial Day: an extra reprieve from the office, or the bonus day to a long weekend.

But this year, let’s stop for a moment and think about those brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy today. Think for a moment about the families who waited for news of a spouse’s or child’s return from war. Or the profound sense of loss from a family member or friend not returning home. Think about the men and women who unselfishly rolled up their sleeves and enlisted in World War II to fight in faraway lands and on vast seas, never to return. 

This is why we should pause for a moment in solemn silence. And this is why, perhaps as never before, we need to reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day in 2024. 

And that is also why, in a measure of respect, as we observe Memorial Day, there will no Monitor Mondays on May 27, nor Talk Ten Tuesdays on May 28.  We will be silent both days.

Chuck Buck



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