
In reference to your answer to General Question for the Week of February 5, 2024 [Can imaging guidance for central venous access catheter or device placement be separately reported?], you stated that 76937 and 77001 may be assigned as long as they are documented properly. This appears to conflict with the NCCI manual narrative instruction -12. Radiological supervision and interpretation codes include all radiological services necessary to complete the service. CPT® codes for fluoroscopy/fluoroscopic guidance (e.g., 76000, 77002, 77003) or ultrasound/ultrasound guidance (e.g., 76942, 76998, 76937) shall not be reported separately. CPT – 77001 – Fluoroscopic guidance for central venous access device placement, replacement (catheter only or complete), or removal (includes fluoroscopic guidance for vascular access and catheter manipulation, any necessary contrast injections through access site or catheter with related venography radiologic supervision and interpretation, and radiographic documentation of final catheter position) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure). Can we assign 77001 and 76937 for a CVC or not?


Currently, there are no bundling edits pertaining to the specific code set. 77001 and 76937 are currently acceptable to code with CVC when documentation requirements are met.


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CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.

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