
What is the difference between codes 55700 and 55706? They both describe needle biopsy of the prostate, how do you determine which to use?


Both codes do describe needle biopsy of the prostate, but the procedures they are describing are very different. Code 55700 is the standard prostate biopsy which is performed transrectally under ultrasound guidance and local anesthetic with 6 to 12 passes through a lesion in the prostate for sampling – this is the biopsy that is most likely to be performed by an interventional radiologist. Code 55706 requires general anesthesia and the use of a biopsy grid to sample the entire prostate with up to 60 transperineal samples.

This question was answered in our Interventional Radiology Coder. For more hot topics relating to interventional radiology services, please visit our store or call us at 1.800.252.1578, ext. 2.


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