Facet vs. Faucet
Interventional radiology is an area ripe with opportunities for coding errors, with as much as 30 percent being coded inaccurately, according to experts. Chronic pain
Interventional radiology is an area ripe with opportunities for coding errors, with as much as 30 percent being coded inaccurately, according to experts. Chronic pain
We are having confusion over reporting codes 88331 and 88332. Can you please clarify the differences in definitions between “block” and “section”?
Introduction: Welcome to the third article in our 10-week series on demystifying the chargemaster. In this installment, we delve into the paramount importance of understanding
When is code 81528 covered by Medicare?
Introduction: Welcome to the second article in our 10-week series on demystifying the chargemaster. In this inaugural installment, we will embark on a journey to
What is the difference between codes 55700 and 55706? They both describe
needle biopsy of the prostate, how do you determine which to use?
Can 80051 be reported as a subsequent procedure following BMP?
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare finance, one element stands as a linchpin in the revenue cycle management of hospitals: the chargemaster. This comprehensive repository
How would you code when a radiologist is asked to create a new access, or
enlarge an existing access, for a urologist to perform subsequent endourologic
What code was created for enzyme activity testing of Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT)?
Are you prepared for the potential of declining reimbursement next year? CMS is once again targeting payments in the proposed PFS rule, which means the
What happens when a physician converts an external drainage catheter to an internal-external drainage catheter. Is this an exchange? Is there a code that describes this?
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