Cardiology Question for the Week of September 9, 2024

A patient comes in through ED as STEMI. Straight to CCL, LAD is the culprit vessel. DES placed, C9606. After LAD is stented and flow restored, an ostial diagonal lesion is found resulting in DES to the diagonal. The question is: Is the diagonal DES coded as C9601- DES Additional Vessel, since it was treated in the same manner as the STEMI LAD? Or is it coded C9600 because even though DES, it was not a STEMI vessel like the primary vessel C9606?

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Cardiology Question for the Week of August 12, 2024

The patient presents for a diagnostic left heart catheterization (LHC), left ventriculogram, and selective coronary angiography. The physician determines that hemodynamic assessment should be performed before and after exercise to assist in the clinical diagnosis. The patient is given a pair of 2.5-pound dumbbell weights and then asked to exercise by extending the arms and bringing the arms with the weights to their chest. The patient exercises for three to five minutes. Does this type of exercise meet the criteria for billing code 93464?

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