Heart of the Matter: Actionable Coding Strategies for Vascular Access and Interventions
Of all the coding areas to approach with caution, cardiology coding remains in the top tier. Cardiology CPT® coding is notoriously complex due to the
Of all the coding areas to approach with caution, cardiology coding remains in the top tier. Cardiology CPT® coding is notoriously complex due to the
I’m coding for a patient who underwent CAR-T therapy, and I’m a bit confused about how to report the different steps. I understand that 0537T is for collection and handling, and 0540T is for administration, but I want to clarify a few things. Can we report 0537T more than once per day? Also, if the hospital is facilitating the process but not actually performing the collection or preparation, should the hospital still report any of these codes, or are they strictly for the specialty lab or manufacturer?
A physician performs a medically necessary pulmonary artery angiogram in conjunction with a non-congenital heart catheterization service before pulmonary artery stenting. Which code(s) should be reported for the angiogram?
When billing Medicare for smoking and tobacco-use cessation counseling, how should providers track the 12-month limit of eight sessions to ensure compliance?
A respiratory therapist provides a brief smoking cessation counseling session lasting two minutes during a patient’s outpatient visit. The provider also bills an evaluation and management (E/M) service for the encounter. How should the counseling service be reported, and is it separately billable under codes 99406–99407?
When coding for intravenous infusions that begin outside the observation unit and continue upon the patient’s arrival, what specific documentation elements must be present to ensure compliance and avoid audit risks?
For coding a coronary intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) procedure performed in an outpatient hospital setting, which HCPCS Level II supply code should be reported to ensure eligibility for the OPPS transitional pass-through payment, and how long is this payment expected to be available
There is no way to sugarcoat the difficulty of drainage procedures. That is why expert guidance is paramount when facing these scenarios. When it comes
A cardiologist performs a medically necessary pulmonary artery angiogram in conjunction with a non-congenital heart catheterization procedure. This angiogram is conducted prior to the placement of a pulmonary artery stent. Which add-on code(s) should be reported to accurately capture this service?
Do you have any more tips for reporting the JZ modifier?
What evidence is needed to bill for codes 94667 and 94668?
Evaluation and Management (E/M) coding has undergone significant changes in recent years, creating new challenges for medical coders, a real risk to reimbursement, and the
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