Radiology Question for the Week of January 3, 2022
If a patient had a chest x-ray with a clinical indication of “pre-op for hip surgery,” what would be the best ICD-10-CM code to assign?
If a patient had a chest x-ray with a clinical indication of “pre-op for hip surgery,” what would be the best ICD-10-CM code to assign?
I am trying to find a diagnosis code for chronic anterior cruciate ligament tear of the right knee. The clinical history is knee pain, evaluate meniscus and cartilage with history of recurrent patella subluxation. If I go to tear ligament it directs you to sprain. Sprain cruciate ligament, anterior is S83.511, which doesn’t seem right because this isn’t a current tear. Any suggestions?
What is the appropriate ICD-10-CM for retrolisthesis of C5 relative to C6? There is nothing in ICD-10 under “retrolisthesis” and I wasn’t sure if you go to “displacement” intervertebral disc, cervical M50.222? Or is there another term to look under for retrolisthesis. Does the doctor need to change how he documents this problem?
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