General Question for the Week of December 4, 2017
If a physician begins a cholecystectomy procedure using a laparoscopic approach but has to convert the procedure to an open abdominal approach, which approach would be reported?
If a physician begins a cholecystectomy procedure using a laparoscopic approach but has to convert the procedure to an open abdominal approach, which approach would be reported?
Has CMS made any 2018 changes to the Medicare policy for supervision of hospital outpatient therapeutic services?
Is the use of virtual credit cards for health care claim payments covered by HIPAA transactions requirements?
If the final rules have been issued by CMS, can you provide the links to them?
Are the HCPCS code descriptions available in Spanish?
What is the difference between a health plan and a payer?
What is the Medicare Open Payments program?
I understand that the PQRS is being phased out. Is that correct and, if so, when will that occur?
Can modifier 59 be reported with E&M codes?
What’s the difference between the Outpatient Code Editor (OCE) edits and the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) procedure to procedure (PTP) edits?
On the Medicare outpatient observation notice (MOON), are hospitals and CAHs permitted to use pre-populated check boxes for the free-text field (“You’re a hospital outpatient receiving observation services. You are not an inpatient because:”)?
One of our staff has identified a Medicare overpayment. What should we do?
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