General Question for the Week of March 19, 2018

One of our physicians sent a patient to the outpatient department to have a PICC line inserted (36568 or 36569) and have the first round of therapeutic medications (96365, 96366, 96367, 96368) on the same day. Can you please tell us if the insertion of a PICC line and the administration of the antibiotic drug can be charged on the same day with a modifier of 59 or XU?

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General Question for the Week of March 5, 2018

If a record only states “lupus” what would this condition map/code to? I am an auditor at work, and I am in a debate on how to code lupus not otherwise specified (NOS). I say this condition codes to L93.0 but a colleague suggests I am incorrect and that lupus should code/map to M32.9? Do you have any guidance on this particular condition?

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