Pharmacy Question for the Week of March 11, 2019
What code would I report for an injection of radiopharmaceuticals into the lumbar spine?
What code would I report for an injection of radiopharmaceuticals into the lumbar spine?
What code should I consider reporting for a radioisotope such as Y-90 as part of an embolization?
What specifically labeled immunosuppressive drugs are approved by the FDA for marketing?
What are the criteria for antigen payments?
What are the conditions for an oral anti-cancer drug to be covered under Part B?
When is Procrit covered for a patient?
What are the criteria requirements for incident-provision drugs?
What code should be reported to MACs for practitioner services for oral immunosuppressive, oral anticancer, and oral anti-emetic drugs?
This is a follow-up question to last week’s Q&A about reporting J3471. If a physician uses 800 USP units of the product described by that code, how would it be reported on the claim?
How many units of service does Medicare allow for code J3471—injection, hyaluronidase, ovine, preservative free?
Is J1094 the correct code to report injectable dexamethasone?
We are having trouble determining how to report HCPCS Level II code J0171 (injection, adrenalin, epinephrine, 0.1 mg). Can you provide guidance?
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