Pharmacy Question for the Week of December 17, 2018
Will code A9515 still receive pass-through status in the next quarter?
Will code A9515 still receive pass-through status in the next quarter?
How much will CMS pay for 340B drugs in 2019?
Can you tell me anything about the add-on payment for drugs used for ESRD patients?
Our cancer center sees a lot of patients with a diagnosis of anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD). These patients come to the cancer center for Procrit injections. We want to verify if it is appropriate to bill J0885 for the Procrit and a diagnosis code of D63.1 (anemia in CKD) along with the CKD.
Do we use HCPCS code J0285 when billing amphotericin for irrigation?
I heard there was a new payment system for pharmaceuticals. Can you provide any information about this?
How does Medicare determine payment for a code that isn’t in either the ASP or NOC drug-pricing files?
What is the “orange book” put out by the FDA?
What is the correct way to bill for Q4116—AlloDerm, per square centimeter? I was informed our facility does not charge per square centimeter; they just charge a quantity of 1 for the full piece/sheet. Also, what is the compliant way to handle the waste of these products since modifier JW is not appropriate?
Are there any Medicare guidelines for using an electronic signature when ordering medications?
What is the Medicare policy for physician office radiopharmaceutical payments?
When do the new level II codes Q5108 and Q5110 take effect?
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