Pharmacy Question for the Week of June 28, 2021
Have the payment rates in the physician office setting for radiopharmaceuticals changed recently?
Have the payment rates in the physician office setting for radiopharmaceuticals changed recently?
What are the essential elements of radiopharmaceuticals?
When we perform thyroid metastasis scans, can we report the radiopharmaceutical (RP) HCPCS code, along with codes 78018 and 78020?
Are blood derivatives such as albumin infused for therapeutic treatment of liver failure or diseases such as cirrhosis billed as a biological by the pharmacy?
What do codes G0480-G0483 and G0659 represent for definitive test methods?
In regards to nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceuticals, what codes were added to the Designated Health Service list?
Can tell me more about presumptive testing for drugs of abuse in terms of CPT codes?
Does the level II coding system include specific codes for drugs?
What codes should we use for definitive drug procedures that are not specified in code range 80320-80373?
Why was the reporting mechanism updated for drugs of abuse?
Are the drug screening codes 80100 to 80104 still active?
Can you tell me more about when to use initial service codes versus additional codes for drug administration services?
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