Pharmacy Question for the Week of October 19, 2020
When we are revising a treatment plan for services related to infusion, how should we support the inclusion of new drugs?
When we are revising a treatment plan for services related to infusion, how should we support the inclusion of new drugs?
When billing for infusion services, would we need to validate the NCD on a claim for the drug vial?
How are no-cost drugs indicated for infusion services when following payer protocols?
Can we use hydration codes to report drug infusion?
How can payers help combat the opioid crisis?
What code would be reported for the injection of radiopharmaceuticals into the lumbar spine?
Do pharmacists fall within the regulatory definition of auxiliary personnel under the “incident to” regulations or is this changing for 2021?
Can you tell me more about the updates for drug codes under the Cosmetic Act in the 2021 proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule?
What are the challenges of the Promotion of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program?
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