Radiology Question for the Week of October 7, 2024

Can or should a radiologist bill for both 74320 and 92611? My understanding is that 92611 is typically billed by a speech pathologist, but I would appreciate confirmation or clarification. Since the code refers to a ‘motion fluoro’ study using ‘cine or video recording,’ I’m unsure whether a speech pathologist would have the necessary equipment to perform this exam

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Radiology Question for the Week of September 23, 2024

When coding a US retroperitoneal Complete for US kidneys ureters bladder, my sonographers tell me that nine times out of ten, the ureters in most patients are not visible unless there is hydronephrosis. If we image the kidneys and bladder but the ureters are not seen and charge a complete, should the radiologist dictate ureters are not visualized so we can charge a complete (code 76770)?

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Radiology Question for the Week of July 29, 2024

A physician ordered an ultrasound study to check for abdominal ascites and asked the skin be marked if the ultrasound study is positive. The ordering physician, subsequently, did the paracentesis procedure at the bedside “without” imaging guidance based on the skin markings. How are these studies reported?

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