Respiratory Question for the Week of April 16, 2018
How does Medicare pay for oxygen and equipment?
How does Medicare pay for oxygen and equipment?
Our physicians and other practitioners who write prescriptions for oxygen supplies and equipment need guidance on Medicare’s documentation requirements. Can you help?
Are there different types of respiratory failure?
What kind of documentation does Medicare require when physicians write requisitions or orders for respiratory-assistive devices (RADs)?
Does a Medicare beneficiary have to pay coinsurance for smoking cessation services?
In the urgent care setting, would we bill a J code for the appropriate drug in addition to the CPT® procedure code 94640?
What CPT® codes can we use for Medicare claims when we provide high-flow oxygen therapy?
I believe that the code provided in the answer to the February 19 question about the Medicare payment for venipuncture is incorrect. Can you please check this and confirm?
In last week’s question and answer, you mentioned that venipuncture is commonly collected in the respiratory therapy department. What is the Medicare payment for this procedure?
When we perform venipuncture, what code do we report?
What code should be assigned for the management of CPAP services?
How is a hospital paid for mechanical ventilation provided for inpatients?
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