Respiratory Question for the Week of September 25, 2017
Does Medicare have a frequency limit on use of code 94750—pulmonary compliance study (e.g., plethysmography, volume and pressure measurements)?
Does Medicare have a frequency limit on use of code 94750—pulmonary compliance study (e.g., plethysmography, volume and pressure measurements)?
Can code 94726 be reported with code 94727?
Are G0436 and G0437 the correct HCPCS level II codes to use for counseling to prevent tobacco use?
Can code 94200 (maximum breathing capacity, maximal voluntary ventilation) be billed with any other?
Is physician office-based spirometry covered by Medicare?
Is it appropriate to charge 94150 for ventilator weans? If not, what should be charged?
Can you provide any basic guidelines regarding the required documentation for separately reporting inpatient RT?
When a diagnostic or surgical endoscopy of the respiratory system is performed and an evaluation of the access regions is performed, can the evaluation be reported separately?
What revenue codes may be used for respiratory therapy codes?
How many times does Medicare allow CPT® code 94664 to be reported for demonstrating a nebulizer to a patient?
Can an evaluation and management (E&M) code be reported when a physician in attendance for pulmonary diagnostic testing or therapy obtains a limited history and performs a limited physical examination?
One of our patients presented with nasal obstruction, sinus obstruction, and multiple nasal polyps, and we performed a biopsy in conjunction with polypectomy and ethmoidectomy. Can we report a separate biopsy code for this?
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