Radiology Question for the Week of August 5, 2024
What CPT codes are appropriate for US of the right face to evaluate venous malformation?
What CPT codes are appropriate for US of the right face to evaluate venous malformation?
A physician ordered an ultrasound study to check for abdominal ascites and asked the skin be marked if the ultrasound study is positive. The ordering physician, subsequently, did the paracentesis procedure at the bedside “without” imaging guidance based on the skin markings. How are these studies reported?
A patient had two different gray-scale ultrasound exams (76536) completed at the same encounter; one for thyroid nodules and one to evaluate a soft-tissue lump on the patient’s jawline. Can we bill for both of these exams separately?
What do we code for soft tissue ultrasound?
If left and right ultrasound exams for pleural effusions is performed, is it appropriate to report two units of code 76604? The code description states “includes mediastinum,” does that make it a unilateral or bilateral code?
An “ultrasound abdomen complete” (76700) is ordered with the indication of “Abdominal pain, evaluate for Umbilical Hernia.” The hernia images are not included in our protocol for abdomen complete, but we are adding them anyway. Should we be adding an abdominal limited code, one quadrant (76705), along with the abdomen complete code 76700, or does the complete include an evaluation of hernia?
We received a patient from the ER who presented with severe pelvic pain. The HCG indicated pregnancy, but there was no intrauterine pregnancy so an ectopic is suspected. What is the correct CPT® code for this scenario?
Can ultrasound guidance code 76942 be used multiple times during a liver biopsy for a biopsy of multiple separate and identifiable lesions?
Should we report new 2024 code 0815T when 3-D imaging is rendered?
If an ultrasound of the liver/spleen is ordered and during imaging, the midline is crossed and everything in the right and left upper quadrants of the abdomen are imaged and documented, would this be coded as a complete exam?
Do we code ultrasound-guided compression repair of a pseudoaneurysm with 93926?
Can we still use 0508T to report pulse-echo ultrasound bone density measurement, tibia, when the results yield an indicator of axial bone mineral density in 2024?
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