General Question for the Week of November 5, 2018
How does a Medicare Advantage plan differ from Part A and/or B Medicare plans?
How does a Medicare Advantage plan differ from Part A and/or B Medicare plans?
What is the Medicare Shared Savings Program (Shared Savings Program)?
My question relates to appending modifier -59 to multiple units. CPT® codes 97150 and 97113 X 4 have been charged, and I believe the requirements for the modifier have been met. That is, we should append modifier -59 to each unit of 97113 (i.e., apply -59 four times). Is that correct?
I have heard there is a new value-based bundled payment model for Medicare. Can you provide any information about this?
Do you know when the 2019 final Medicare rules will be released?
What is the point of the latest proposed rule from CMS that lifts what it calls “unnecessary” regulations?
What is the purpose of the Medicare CERT program?
Does Medicare have standardization for staffing and credentialing of same in a moderate sedation procedure recovery room (i.e. 2 RNs with ACLS, 1 RN with ACLS and 1 staffer with BLS, etc)?
What is a TPE review, and what is its purpose?
How much does Medicare pay for an evaluation and management (E & M) service assigned with a modifier 25?
If a nurse uses a glucometer for a patient, can that be reimbursed?
How would the CMS site-neutral payment policy work?
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