Radiology Question for the Week of March 24, 2025
When reporting CPT® codes 76376 and 76377 for 3-D analysis, what key documentation requirements must be included in the radiology report to ensure accurate coding and avoid ambiguity?
When reporting CPT® codes 76376 and 76377 for 3-D analysis, what key documentation requirements must be included in the radiology report to ensure accurate coding and avoid ambiguity?
When are codes 0559T and 0560T reported vs. 0561T and 0562T?
Would the physician charge for both 93016 and 93018? Would a physician ever report code 93017 for his individual portion of the procedure?
Is the type of contrast and amount administered required to be documented within the radiology report?
The patient presents with sternoclavicular (SC) joint pain, and a CT of the thorax (chest) with contrast is ordered. The radiology report describes the SC joint in its entirety, but no other surrounding structures. Should I code this to 71260 or 71260-52, as only the SC joint was studied?
When performing an MRI on a patient with an implanted cardiac device or neurostimulator, how should code 76018 be reported if the same provider conducting the device evaluation or neurostimulator analysis-programming also prepares the device for MR safe mode?
When performing an MRI on a patient with an implanted cardiac device or neurostimulator, how should code 76018 be reported if the same provider conducting the device evaluation or neurostimulator analysis programming also prepares the device for MR safe mode? Would this scenario still qualify for separate reporting of 76018, or must a different provider perform the additional preparation for it to be billed?
A patient with an implant requires an MR procedure. The implant must be placed into a protective mode, and detailed documentation of this process is required. Additionally, a medical physicist is involved in customizing the implant settings to ensure MR compatibility. Which CPT® code(s) should be reported for this service?
When do we report new code 0901T in 2025 and what does it encompass?
When do we report new code 76017 in 2025?
When do we report new code 76017 in 2025?
When should we report code 76016 in 2025 and what does it encompass?
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