Respiratory Question for the Week of November 11, 2024
Can we report code 36591 for VAD blood draws using partially implanted devices? What is the status indicator for this code?
Can we report code 36591 for VAD blood draws using partially implanted devices? What is the status indicator for this code?
When is it necessary to report code 95819?
When coding for a split study where CPAP is applied during a polysomnography (PSG), should we report 95782 and 95783 together?
When do we use code 98975 vs. 98980?
When coding for care management services, under what circumstances can code +98981 be reported in conjunction with 98980?
When do we report 98975 as opposed to 98976?
Is RPM considered a Medicare telehealth service?
Can physical therapists bill PT codes separately when they conduct assessments and individual treatment services included in a PR program?
When managing a patient with acute airway obstruction, what modification to oxygen therapy can be made to improve oxygen saturation, and how is this service billed?
If we state “PRN Oxygen,” will this suffice when billing Medicare for oxygen?
Is there a CPT® for the delivery of oxygen in the operating room?
Why are E&M codes 99202–99205 and 99211–99215, as well as HCPCS code G0463, not billable by the facility for services provided as part of the pulmonary rehabilitation program?
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