General Question for the Week of March 18, 2024


We are trying to find guidance for the coders when we have fluids and/or fluids with electrolytes that have been documented as running for hours and even days. Should all the hours really be reported? What are the helpful hints for coders to decide the billable quantity of 96361 to report? Is there an official reference that can be given?


There is currently not a single resource to cite as a reference. The AMA CPT®does state the facility should report the total units of time provided continuously for services that last beyond midnight (e.g., over a range of dates). Documentation of the patient’s status and correction of the pathological cause of dehydration or fluid loss should be a guide to coding of hydration therapy. Coders should be cognizant of the total times for each date of service for the fluid/drug administered and report the applicable number of units for administration documented on each date.

This question was answered in our Coding Essentials for Infusion & Injection Therapy Services. For more hot topics relating to infusion services, please visit our store or call us at 1.800.252.1578, ext. 2.

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