Pharmacy Question for the Week of May 4, 2020
Do you have any tips for reporting quantification of drugs not specified and code 80299?
Do you have any tips for reporting quantification of drugs not specified and code 80299?
What type of actions are OPDP reviewers responsible for?
What is the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion?
What is the status indicator change for Q5118?
Can you tell me more about the OIG’s recommendation to strengthen oversight of Part D payments for compounded topical drugs?
Is the assignment of code G0480 dependent on the number of drug analytes?
What is the goal of a prescription drug monitoring program?
Are there drugs that have payments that could be corrected retroactively?
I have a drug that qualifies as therapeutic but doesn’t meet the requirements for any codes between 80150–80203, what code would I use?
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