Are there any NCCI instructions for radiopharmaceutical code A9512?
Per NCCI: HCPCS code A9512 (Technetium Tc-99m pertechnetate, diagnostic…per millicurie) describes a radiopharmaceutical used for nuclear medicine studies. Technetium Tc99m pertechnetate is also a component of other Technetium Tc-99m radiopharmaceuticals with separate AXXXX codes. Code A9512 shall not be reported with other AXXXX radiopharmaceuticals containing Technetium Tc-99m for a single nuclear medicine study. However, if 2 separate nuclear medicine studies are performed on the same date of service, 1 with the radiopharmaceutical described by HCPCS code A9512 and 1 with another AXXXX radiopharmaceutical labeled with Technetium Tc-99m, both codes may be reported using an NCCI PTP-associated modifier. HCPCS codes A9500, A9540, and A9541 describe radiopharmaceuticals labeled with Technetium Tc-99m that may be used for separate nuclear medicine studies on the same date of service as a nuclear medicine study using the radiopharmaceutical described by HCPCS code A9512.
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