Cardiology Question for the Week of August 19, 2024
For noninvasive physiologic studies when both upper and the lower extremity arteries are studied, what codes do we report?
For noninvasive physiologic studies when both upper and the lower extremity arteries are studied, what codes do we report?
The patient presents for a diagnostic left heart catheterization (LHC), left ventriculogram, and selective coronary angiography. The physician determines that hemodynamic assessment should be performed before and after exercise to assist in the clinical diagnosis. The patient is given a pair of 2.5-pound dumbbell weights and then asked to exercise by extending the arms and bringing the arms with the weights to their chest. The patient exercises for three to five minutes. Does this type of exercise meet the criteria for billing code 93464?
Which codes do we report for the stenting within each branch of a major coronary artery?
Can we report 93922 for an ABI as a stand-alone procedure?
What is an IABP, and why is it used?
Which code should be used for selective inferior phrenic artery (IPA) arteriography when imaging the inferior phrenic arterial blood supply to the diaphragm, and which codes should be used for imaging the inferior phrenic arterial blood supply to the viscera (liver, spleen), considering the structure being imaged and catheter placement?
When should code 75774 be submitted, and when should it not be used, in the context of additional selective catheterizations after a basic study?
What is the primary use of Code 36160, and why is translumbar access often required for this procedure?
Can an abdominal aortogram be reported if performed at the same session as selective renal
What’s not included in codes 93590 and 93591?
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