General Question for the Week of August 13, 2018
Can providers still submit non-electronic claims to Medicare?
Can providers still submit non-electronic claims to Medicare?
What would be the billing date of service for a provider reading the interpretation for a 24-hour EEG?
How can providers confirm a patient’s Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) is real?
If a diagnosis is mentioned in the patient record only once, should it be coded?
Has CMS issued the inpatient rules for 2019 yet?
I know that providers are supposed to check the PTP edits before submitting Medicare claims, but what about the mutually exclusive edits?
When can providers accept the new Medicare beneficiary cards?
What is the new Medicare legislation called IMPACT about?
How does CMS define the term “separate procedure” that is used in CPT® code descriptions?
Is Medicare’s initial preventive physical exam (IPPE) the same as a beneficiary’s yearly physical?
Does Medicare offer guidance related to when unspecified diagnosis codes are appropriate?
Where can I find Medicare’s electronic clinical quality measures for next year?
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