Laboratory Question for the Week of May 7, 2018
Are any of the specimen-collection codes paid separately by Medicare?
Are any of the specimen-collection codes paid separately by Medicare?
What lab tests are included in the new exception policy for reporting the date of service?
In last week’s answer, you suggested looking at the list of tests granted waived status under CLIA to find which of the POC manufacturers and instruments or devices have been assigned CPT® 82962 or 82947. Can you tell me where this list can be found?
Can the following CPT® code for glucose point of care (POC) be used for a hospital patient?
82962 Glucose, blood by glucose monitoring device(s) cleared by the FDA specifically for home use
What is the difference between CPT® 87070 and 87071? How do you determine which one to use?
My question relates to the Medicare 70/30 rule for referral testing. In the definitions and examples provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the terms “related” and “non-related” laboratories are used. Is a joint venture partner’s laboratory a related or non-related laboratory?
Why does the 2018 NCCI Policy Manual state that we can only charge for one venipuncture (36415) per patient encounter, but the MUE limit for 36415 is set at 2 per date-of-service?
Does Medicare allow labs to bill for a molecular pathology interpretation done by a PhD or geneticist?
Are there any restrictions on the types of specimens that can be assigned CPT® codes for drug-analysis procedures?
What are the correct codes for billing a CBC with and without differential?
Where can I find the MAAA codes?
Last week you said Pap smear rates would increase 1.10 percent this year. What does that equate to in dollars and cents?
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